
Przegląd ebooków

The aim of the present book is to give an outline of Polish Commercial Law in English language. The book follows the usual sequence of lectures on Commercial Law in Poland dividing the content in two parts. First part is on entrepreneurs mainly partnerships and companies as the most important forms ...
Learning translation - Learning the Impossible? can be recommended as a textbook on translation, which may be used by teachers who can get their students practically involved in some activities in the classroom (suggested for group work or general discussion). It may also be used by students, re...
Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. Podczas pobytu w jednym z miast uniwersyteckich (doktor Watson pomija nazwę) Sherlock Holmes proszony jest o wyjaśnienie, kto kopiował materiały egzaminacyjne w pokoju wykładowcy starożytnej greki. ...