
Przegląd ebooków

The book has been divided into three main parts. The first part, Focus on discourse studies, brings together four contributions.(...) The second part, Focus on translation studies, is made up of six papers the authors of which investigate selected phenomena which are characteristic of translation an...
Learning translation - Learning the Impossible? can be recommended as a textbook on translation, which may be used by teachers who can get their students practically involved in some activities in the classroom (suggested for group work or general discussion). It may also be used by students, re...
Niniejsza książka, wydana w nowej serii tłumaczeń polskich ustaw na języki europejskie zawiera angielskie tłumaczenie Ustawy o podatku dochodowych od osób prawnych. Obejmuje ona nowelizacje Ustawy z 2011 roku. Prezentowane tłumaczenie uwzględnia najbardziej aktualne trendy językowe w doktrynie i or...